“They have nice branded products and customer service. I ordered bulky stuff for my company, the customization was fast, and delivery was smooth. Recommend it to every company. Also by comparing the price with many others, Corporate Gear is quite reasonable.” - Sandy L.
A custom backpack for each of your staff is a popular choice for branded corporate gear orders. Knack Bags and backpacks are some of the best travel backpacks for corporate travel. Unlike other backpack brands, Knack tailors its bags for the avid business traveler, with everyday professionals and commuters in mind. The Knack travel backpack gives your employees and clients a stylish, professional look that’s designed to keep them organized and agile, while on the go. Every Knack backpack will be roomy enough to organize business valuables as well as travel necessities, for those short stints out of town.
Knack makes its bags with an eye on proportion, so they’re sleek enough for commuters and also not overly bulky. With your custom embroidered logo on a well-designed high-quality Knack pack backpack, your brand logo will make a polished finishing touch. Customize backpacks that are meant for a busy workday and an on-the-go lifestyle. Knack bags are an excellent option for an effective custom logo accessories order. This long-lasting backpack will get a lot of mileage. Your employees will be able to use these water resistant and expandable bags for all types of travel and work. And we’ve simplified the ordering process, making it easier to create eye-catching merchandise with our expert customer service. Our dedicated account specialists will help you build a powerful brand image with Knack backpacks and bags.
Corporate Gifting with Knack Bags
Custom corporate gifting with Knack is the ultimate way to show employees, long-time clients and potential customers that they mean the world to your brand.
Give your colleagues memorable Knack custom gifts, like a backpack custom embroidered with your brand logo. They’ll look great while showing off your company in style.
Corporate Gear never charges your order until you confirm your customization and order details. We want you and your employees to be completely happy with everything you create with us, and we’ll ensure your customized products are of the highest quality and expectation.
As a long-time leader in the co-branding space, Corporate Gear is a company built on loyalty and dedication. With our decades of experience in co-branded embroidery, custom printing and on-time delivery of orders, you can rest assured that you’re getting superior branded and customization results.
Gear up with the latest trending Knack bags and gain improved company culture and increased brand visibility.