“They were great to work with! Great quality products, and the process went very smooth and timing was on queue. Highly recommend working with them!” - Mindy T.
For over 50 years, Osprey has been a leader in craftsmanship and customer service, and is one of the most popular outdoor gear brands on the market. The brand is renowned for its attention to detail and design in everything they make. Osprey custom name backpacks and bags are made for quality, durability and comfort. Osprey offers a wide range of backpacks and bags for a variety of outdoor activities, from hiking and camping to travel and everyday use. Featuring a breathable back panel, a tough mesh panel and a mesh pocket that lasts, the Osprey hiking backpack keeps things fresh, secure and comfortable.
One of the main benefits of Osprey backpacks and bags is that they're ultra long-lasting. Osprey backpacks and bags are made from innovative, high-quality materials that are designed to withstand repeated outdoor use. They are also lightweight and well-fitting, making them perfect for long hikes and other outdoor activities. At Corporate Gear, we offer traveling backpacks, along with a huge curated collection. Browse our selection of Osprey backpack women's bags, totes, laptop backpacks, toiletry kits, cinch and crossbody bags, day packs, duffels and more — we have you covered with top brand Osprey bags. And we’ve simplified the ordering process, making it easier to create eye-catching merchandise with our expert customer service. Our dedicated account specialists will help you build a powerful brand image with Osprey backpacks and bags.
Corporate Gifting with Osprey Bags
Custom corporate gifting with Osprey is the ultimate way to show employees, long-time clients and potential customers that they mean the world to your brand.
Give your colleagues memorable custom gifts from Osprey, like a Osprey Daylite backpack custom embroidered with your brand logo. They’ll look great while showing off your company in style.
Corporate Gear never charges your order until you confirm your customization and order details. We want you and your employees to be completely happy with everything you create with us, and we’ll ensure your customized products are of the highest quality and expectation.
As a long-time leader in the co-branding space, Corporate Gear is a company built on loyalty and dedication. With our decades of experience in co-branded embroidery, custom printing and on-time delivery of orders, you can rest assured that you’re getting superior branded and customization results.
Gear up with the latest trending Osprey bags and gain improved company culture and increased brand visibility.