You’ll love the versatility of the tried-and-true shep shirt: Great for jogging, golfing, and tennis, it works in any active situation! At the same time, the simple lines and tailored cut make it perfect for the office. The Vineyard Vines Women's Blank Sankaty Shep Shirt delivers everything your team members will appreciate in a professional custom shirt. You can’t go wrong with this Vineyard Vines clothing for your branding efforts.
Product Features:
Lightweight, moisture-wicking and quick-drying
UPF 50+ sun protection
Whale logo on back yoke
92% Polyester/8% Spandex
Machine wash
Benefits of Custom Vineyard Vines Women's Blank Sankaty Shep Shirt:
The well-recognized Vineyard Vines logo creates brand trust for your custom corporate apparel.
Custom Vineyard Vines clothing are the casual and stylish look your team will enjoy donning, to increase your brand identity.
The trusted Vineyard Vines custom logo on your custom branded apparel adds polish to your brand look.